7 Quick Ways to Raise Your Vibration (Positive Energy) at Work
7 Quick Ways to Raise Your Vibration (Positive Energy) at Work
by nukhba khan
I want you to visualize two different scenarios.
Scenario one: It’s morning time, and you are dragging yourself to work. You are dreading work because you don’t want to be there. You rather be anywhere else. The job is stressful and frustrating. But you have no choice, you have to go to work. You have to be responsible no matter how much you hate it. Feeling this way builds up dreary and low energy within you. You wish there was a way to shake off this feeling. But it’s hard to do that. You just hope no one at work can sniff this hopeless and bad vibe that surrounds you.
Okay, now scenario two, it’s morning time, and even though you have to spend your day working, you feel happy and blessed that you have a job. You fuel your energy by focusing on the positives in your life. You look at all the work struggles as learning opportunities that prepare you to achieve outstanding results in your life. Feeling enthusiastic, you hope for the best but are ready to face what comes your way.
The difference between the two scenarios is obvious, but did you notice your energy when you read the two different scenarios?
In scenario one, did you experience or relate to the crappy feeling? And in scenario two, did you feel a glimmer of hope or a good feeling within you?
The energy you feel actually creates a vibration inside you. Even simply reading something positive or negative starts generating a vibration that builds momentum for you to feel positive and good, or negative and bad. Your energy is everything. And the good news is that you get to choose the energy you feel by your thoughts, emotions, and actions.
I will show you 7 different ways to choose the ‘feel-good’ energy that raises your vibration and builds a momentum of feeling the good vibes when you are at work.
Raise Your Vibration Meaning
Think about this for a second: the reality of your life is a reflection of your beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and actions. That is the biggest truth of life.
Take a minute to fully grasp this concept because it is important. Your beliefs, thoughts, feelings have the power to raise your vibration or lower it.
And this vibration is important. Because this vibration determines what type of action you take and hence the results you see in your life. Positive vibration attracts and creates high vibration results. And negative thoughts attract and produce low vibration results.
To put it simply, the good things you want in life are possible or become easier to achieve if you raise your vibration. And you raise your vibration by feeling good, believing in yourself, and thinking positive thoughts.
So how do you raise your vibration so you can not only feel good at work but succeed and achieve your goals and dreams in life?
How To Raise Your Vibration Fast And Radiate Positive Vibes
I personally believe that the most critical place to manage and raise your vibration is at work. Simply because work is the place that fuels negative beliefs and thoughts. It can be a toxic work environment, a bad boss, or the unimaginable workload and stress that brews negativity within you and lowers your overall vibration.
Work can be the biggest culprit for the low vibrational energy in life. And hence, it is crucial to learn how to keep your energy and vibration fired up at work. By doing so, you will attract the results you want in your life, making you a much happier person.
Here are my 7 favourite ways to raise my vibration, so I feel good, take powerful action and achieve the results I want in life.
1: Words that raise your vibration at work
You know people who whine, criticize and complain all the time. They suck all the energy out from you? Yup, you need to distance yourself from them, but that is not what I am trying to get at over here. I want you to dig a little deeper than that.
Do you know who you spend the most time with? Who is always with you, at every step of the way? It’s your inside voice. It’s always with you, isn’t it?
So have you stopped to wonder if you are being that whiny coworker for yourself, or are you that coworker with good energy that you want to be around?
Yup, it’s not just the people at work or the work environment that lowers your vibration, but you have a big role to play too.
And like I said earlier, thoughts and feelings influence your energy. So the first and foremost thing you need to start doing is to be kind towards yourself. You have to be the voice that fuels your positivity.
Every day choose a positive word(s) that describes you. And then set an intention to remind yourself of this ‘your chosen word(s) when you feel your energy drop or when the negative chatter creeps in. My favourite ones are: I am strong. I am capable. I am confident. I am unstoppable. I forgive myself. I’ve got this.
I promise this will help bring your vibration back up so darn quickly.
2: Kindness to raise your vibration at work
Once you have been kind to yourself and checked that box off, the next sure way to raise your vibration at work is to show kindness to others.
We tend to feed off the energy of one another. Raising another person’s vibration will naturally lift your own mood, and it will feel damn good too.
So when you are feeling emotionally low at work, find a way to do a random act of kindness to another coworker, like complimenting someone. Or perhaps find someone feeling stressed and worn out and do something that will cheer them up. The energy you put out in the world gets reflected back onto you.
3: Morning routine checklist to raise your vibration at work
I cannot emphasize how important a healthy morning routine is for maintaining your high vibration at work and generally in life.
A morning routine is a powerful way to set the tone for your day. And if you want to feel the good vibes during the day, you have to start the morning right by filling your cup to build that positive energy.
Here are two-morning routine must-dos to help you do exactly that:
Gratitude journaling: write down 3 things that you are grateful for. This will help open your eyes to all the positive things you often overlook in your life. Being thankful is one of the quickest ways to generate positive feelings within you and raise your vibration. It is also a sure way to block those nagging negative thoughts.
Intention setting: set an intention for the day by picking a word that describes the type of day you intend to have, the kind of energy you want to bring to your day. For example, my favourite words for intention setting are: empowered, focused, joyful, inspired, energetic. So pick the word and keep it top of mind throughout your day. Remind yourself about your intention when things go wrong at work. This will help redirect your energy back to your high vibrational state.
Simple, right? And yet so potent to raise your vibrational energy.
4: Saying no to raise your vibration
Your energy is sacred. And you need to protect it. You already know the people, things, and activities at work that drains your energy. It’s time to reclaim your power by saying no to your energy depleters and watch how your mood will start soaring.
5: Release Resentment To Raise Your Vibration
Crappy things happen at work that are frustrating and annoying. It is part and parcel of the job and is often beyond our control. But you do control how you react to such instances at work. And your action or reaction to the ‘bad’ things that happen will determine how your energy is impacted.
When you face a crappy situation at work, the best advice is to walk away from it … for just a bit before you react to it. Step outside, go for a walk, or just go to a quiet space to breathe it out for a minute or two. Once you step away from it, you release the negative energy clouding your thinking. And when you return, you will be in a much better frame of mind to decide how to react to the situation and ensure that your vibration at work is not thrown off course.
6: Music to raise your vibration
Music is powerful. Cheerful music with empowering lyrics can raise your vibration instantly. It is the guaranteed way for a quick pick me up when you are feeling low. Don’t you agree?
So this is what I suggest. Create a playlist and have it handy when you need to raise your vibration at work. Listening to your tunes will automatically transport you to your happy place without you having to make any effort.
These five are my favourite tunes that put a smile on my face and get me in the mood for singing and dancing.
Born this way by Lady Gaga
Do My Own Thing- American Authors
Don’t Stop Me Now - Queen
Shake It Off - Taylor Swift
Nonono - Pumpin Blood
7: Remembering your purpose to raise your vibration at work
This one is my all-time favourite, keeping your purpose top of mind. If you want to be happy at work and keep your vibrations soaring high, you need to find and define your own personal meaning for your work. I.e., why you do the work you do, and it has to be more than getting just a paycheque.
Knowing and keeping the bigger picture top of mind will help you when tasks are unglamorous, and things get tough at work.
Your overarching purpose is EXTREMELY PERSONAL (not to confuse it with your organization’s mission or purpose). It stems from you being of service to others. Your service might be to your family, society, the company, the people you are working with, or service to yourself. But knowing this purpose will help you when you forget why you put up with all the frustrations and crappy situations that come up at work.
Reminding yourself of the bigger picture and why you do what you do will help you push through your struggles at work and keep the feel-good vibes. Because your bigger purpose is worth the discomfort you feel in the moment.
Final Thoughts On How Do You Raise Your Vibration at Work
When vibrating at a higher and positive frequency, you feel happier. Even when you have a bad day, your higher vibrations will help you bounce back faster, and your work challenges will stop bothering you as much as they once did.
You will take high vibrational actions to help you attract everything you want in life. Because when you raise your vibration, your desires and actual experiences start matching your high energy. How great would that feel?
So isn’t it time to start making an extra effort to raise your vibration?
P.S. Want to learn a really cool step-by-step method to better control your feelings and emotions at work? And finally, stop letting external things, people, events, situations dictate how you feel?
👇Download👇the free guide: 5-Step Guide to Becoming a Happier You at Work
Hey there, I am Nukhba, a Life Transformation Coach and Mindset Mentor.
I coach women in high-demand careers how to tackle and better manage their work stressors and self-doubts so they can confidently start to enjoy work and restore a sense of calm in their lives.
I know too well that if your work-life is not a happy place, it becomes challenging to be content outside of work also, and chances are you start to hate your life.
I believe we all have the power to live life with more ease and joy.
This blog serves as a space for all things balance, personal empowerment, upgrading habits & beliefs, happier lifestyle and more.