Hey There

Just like you, I live in a world where it feels like you are always-on, always hustling towards something, a destination which is not even very clear.

“Where am I going with this life?” This was pretty much what I asked myself every day for more than 10 years. 

Can you relate? 

My life was overburdened with work responsibilities and stress, and I constantly felt that I was missing out on living a truly happy life both in and out of work.

All I wanted was a simple life, where I could get rid of the noise around me so that what remained was only which gave me value; time for people I love and to do the things I love.

But I was making some key mistakes that kept me from living in peace. 

This is my story with all the ups and downs, the mistakes I made and the things that I eventually got right. 

I had followed all the prescribed steps to success. But then had a realization that what society determines a successful person does not guarantee you happiness.

At age 29, I had done everything that society tells you about setting up a successful life.

I had completed my education at a prestigious university. Right out of college, I got a well-paying marketing job with a fancy job title. I was in a relationship and had plans to get married to start a family. And, I was still managing to keep up with an active social scene.

On the outside, my world looked picture-perfect and I had it all but inside was a completely different story.

I was unhappy and felt like something big was missing in my life.

I brushed these feelings aside and told myself that I was being ungrateful and couldn’t appreciate all the good things.

But when I couldn’t let go off that restlessness in my gut, I started doing some self-reflection for the first time ever. In those quiet journaling moments my intuition screamed the dark and real truth …

I had been so busy creating a life to receive external gratification and be accepted by others that I had not once looked inside to see what I wanted.


I started questioning everything in my life.


Do I want this career, Do I want to be in this relationship, do I want to be this person I have become?

The only answer I got was I don’t know what I want, and how could I know? I didn’t know myself at all.

All I wanted was to run away and start again.

Do you sometimes think to yourself, what it would be like to run away and start all over again? 

Guess what? That’s precisely what I did. Yup! I ran away ...

I packed my bags to move to Canada, leaving everything behind.

You’d think that this move would put me on a path to finding myself and building a life I desired.

But without personal growth guidance, tools, or any know-how, things were about to get much worse …

I thought all you have to do is focus on creating a successful career that pays well, and the rest, a perfect life, just falls into place. 


By age 35, I had confused having a career with having a life.

I guess I wanted to prove that my move to Canada was worth what I had left behind.

So, without much thinking, I decided that the only way to do that was by having a super successful career that allowed me to live a fancy lifestyle. 

I was now working 60 hours a week, with constant pressure to generate more and more value at work, which kept me under stress all the time. 

Work, co-workers, and the bosses sucked out all my emotional and mental energy. I did not have any stamina left to have a joyful life outside work. 

I just couldn’t find the time to pause, take a breath, and do the things I loved. Heck, I didn’t even know what those things were anymore. 

I was suffering but had no energy or know how to fix things. 

I hated my life, and I hated my job even more! 

Do you feel the same way, like you are stuck in a rut and can't see a way out?

All I kept asking myself was, “What am I doing with my life? This is not how I planned to live!”

I was desperate for a life overhaul but felt incapable of making any decisions or changes.  

This may sound bizarre, but I was so desperate that I convinced myself that a tarot reader would have all the answers for me.


So off I went to a tarot reader, demanding her to make sense of my life! 

You probably guessed right; I didn’t get my answers from the cards.

But this tarot reader said something that was going to change my life.


The problem was not my job, my boss, my work stressors, or my life. The problem was me, myself, and my mindset … and it always had been. 

I allowed myself to live this life, a life all about work stress, which lacked joy and fulfillment.

For the first time, I felt determined to start taking full responsibility for my life. 

For the next 3 years, I immersed myself in the world of self-help to:

1. Overcome my work stressors; I wanted to work with ease and actually enjoy work

2. Put my life, friends, and family back on the calendar without any guilt or overwhelm

3. Create a relaxed and fulfilling life that I was meant to live

I worked with mindset coaches, enrolled in different programs to learn how to master the art of living in harmony, and read a ton of books. 

With the right personal growth tools and guidance, I was committed to my life transformation journey.  

At age 38, I was happy. I felt this inner-calmness that I had never experienced before. 

My life was no longer filled with stress, overwhelm, and busyness. I was learning how to manage my thoughts and emotions, creating a natural flow and ease with work and life.

My life was no longer just about my career. I created a healthy balance between the demands of work, family & friends, and other creative personal pursuits! 

It finally started to feel like I was living the life I was meant to love and live.

My conviction and commitment to take self-responsibility transformed my life. 

A purpose is not handed out to you. You have to create it, mold it, and shape it until it truly resonates with you. And then it’s your responsibility to live each day on purpose.

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Today, at age 40, I am living my dream life with purpose(no exaggerations)

The 4-years I spent in self-discovery and transformation started to change the trajectory of my life.

As I was doing inner-work, I was learning to know, like, and trust myself. I was not only gaining clarity on what truly mattered to me, but I felt this surge of confidence to remove the things that did not serve me.

Time freedom mattered to me.

Helping people mattered to me. The universe had dropped cues before, but the signs were getting louder - it was no longer enough to work for products made by corporations.

I had discovered a way to break out of the chronically stressed out and overwhelmed rut of life. Now I felt it was my responsibility to help others to do the same!

With clarity and confidence in my heart, I started my journey to becoming a certified Work and Life Transformation Coach.

Since then, I have committed to dedicating my time to helping others who feel burned out juggling between the demands of stressful work and personal life.

It’s never a straight road to fulfillment and happiness, but it’s a road worth embarking on!

Are you ready to …

Live a happier life with more ease and relaxation?

Restore a sense of calm in your life, both in and out of the workplace?

Be the best version of yourself?

NOW is the time for you to get out of your own way and make positive changes in your life.

The work isn’t always easy, but it is worth it and I can show you the way!


A Quick & Simple Guide to Help You

Overcome Your Self-Doubts, Take Back Control of Your Work & Life and Be a Happier YOU

In as little as 30 minutes, find your spark to show up at work MORE RELAXED