5 Simple Tips for When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed at Work
5 Simple Tips for When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed at Work
by nukhba khan
Reading Time: 7 mins
Feeling overwhelmed at work?
When your to-do list at work is overloaded, the natural response is to start hustling more so you can get through all that needs to get done. But when you feel overwhelmed, this approach of putting your head down and cranking away even more, is probably the worst way to deal with it.
The belief is that if you hunker down to get through your to-do list, it will help bring back control over things at work. This belief is only half true. What also ends up happening with this approach is that you avoid dealing with your emotions of overwhelm. And that can impact your work productivity and slow you down even more. So even if you started with the intention to plow through your to-do list to gain control but doing it under pressure will neither allow you to do effective work nor give you the ability to deal with your overwhelm.
When things become overwhelming, there are really only two things you should be doing. 1. strategize how to handle your work overwhelm and 2. take breaks to get rejuvenated and energized so you can keep working productively. And both of these do not require you to overwork to the point that you get physically and emotionally drained.
This blog has five tips to help you keep sane when overloaded at work, while also moving forward effectively to take back the control and remove your overwhelm.
But first, let's talk about some of the main causes of our overwhelm at work. (This will help also help you with Tip #1)
Why Do I Feel So Overwhelmed?
Most times, the reason for your overwhelm is not just that you have a to-do list that stretches on and on … and on! Awareness of why you are feeling overwhelmed is key. If you don't know why exactly you are feeling overwhelmed, you will not overcome the triggers causing you the anxiety. Here are five common triggers for overwhelm.
There is too much to do: This is the most generalized type of overwhelm - when you just have too much on your plate and not enough time or energy to get it all done comfortably. And, sometimes, it's just not work responsibilities but personal ones too, and juggling between the two can cause overwhelm.
Everything is a priority: This is when you think everything is a priority and you are unable to use your prioritization muscle to lessen the load on yourself.
You don't feel good enough for the job: Sometimes, overwhelm arises when you think you cannot get a good job done at work. This can lead you to procrastinate on your critical to-dos, which also builds pressure and, over time, significantly increases your overwhelm.
You have to do everything perfectly: Perfectionism can lead you to make your tasks bigger than they need to be. You spend more time on each task for marginal benefits, which do not supersede the benefits of getting it done and moving on to your other high-priority items.
You procrastinate: You can also feel overwhelmed when you leave everything to the very last minute. This can happen when you are working on high stake tasks or projects that feel intimidating, or it's just an old habit that you have not been able to brush off. But squeezing your time frame for a job can add pressure and result in overwhelm.
Which one of these is the culprit behind your overwhelm?
Overwhelmed in Life?
5 Tips to Help You Feel Less Overwhelmed
1. Pinpoint the source of your overwhelm:
As mentioned before, you must understand what is causing you to feel overwhelmed. Because knowing what is causing the problem will help you tackle it efficiently.
Is there too much on your plate? Is it some particular task on your to-do list? Is it because you unable to organize your day properly?
An effective way to drill down on the core reason for your overwhelm is by repeatedly asking why you feel the way you do. For example, when you ask yourself why you feel overwhelmed, you might say that too much is going on and you don't know what to focus on. Then ask yourself why that is. You might answer because there are conflicting priorities, and everything needs to get done. Then ask yourself again, why is that? Your response may be that perhaps you are unable to prioritize effectively.
You have to keep probing by asking why repeatedly to get to the root cause of your overwhelm. Once you know what is causing you to feel overwhelmed, strategize the best way to deal with your core issue, so it stops paralyzing you at work.
2. Take Time to Plan:
Even though it may seem counterproductive to use your precious time to plan when you could be using that time to do actual work, doing some planning first will help you use your time more efficiently in the long run.
When you feel overwhelmed, write down all the things that need to get done (put down everything … even the small stuff) and strategize on prioritization. I like to tackle the most challenging items first because it helps me feel accomplished and motivated to tackle all the other small stuff. But if you think it would be better to shake off some of the small stuff lingering in your mind, then do what works best for you. As long as you are moving through your to-do's with a plan of action, you'd start to feel less overwhelmed.
Once you have a complete list of your to-do's, you will also have a better idea of how much time you can afford to spend on the different things that need to get done. Set realistic time boundaries on how much time you will spend on each task, and then hold yourself accountable to them. And, always remember when you are feeling overwhelmed, done is better than perfect.
Another thing to keep in mind when planning is to decide the things that you are NOT going to work on to ease the pressure on yourself. Sometimes it helps to give yourself permission to put some of the non-priority stuff on hold to allow you to concentrate on the things that need to get done.
3. Know Your Seasons
This one is key if you juggle between work and life responsibilities and feel overwhelmed trying to keep up with all the facets of life.
You will be happy to learn that you don't have to be on top of everything at all times. You are only human. Think of life as seasons; there will be some seasons where you need to focus on your professional life. And then, there will be times when your focus needs to be on your personal life. It is okay to focus on some elements of your life at different times.
So, it is not about creating an equal balance between work and life, but rather understanding what season you are in and where you need to focus. This will help you create a sweet harmony between your work and life.
Remember that you can be on top of your life even though you are not on top of every element in your life. That is okay.
4. Examine your assumptions about what success at work looks like
Sometimes when we feel overwhelmed, it's because we hold some misconceptions and self-created rules about what entails success at work. We think that success comes from hustling and working non-stop, which is so not true. Or we believe success only comes by doing a perfect job and going above and beyond expectations on all your projects. Again, not true. These wrong assumptions about success can be detrimental to your sanity at work and cause unnecessary overwhelm. It might be time to examine your assumptions about what it takes to succeed at work and make necessary tweaks to lessen the pressure on yourself.
5. Stop waiting for the right time; just take a break.
Finally, if you want to feel less overwhelmed and more relaxed, you have to start taking breaks. The sky will not fall if you take an evening off or do not work on the weekend! Instead, it will help you step away, calm your nerves and come back to work more refreshed to do effective work that will help you ease your work pressure.
And sometimes, even the small breaks can make a huge difference when you feel overwhelmed, like taking a walk, some meditation and breathing, or reading something completely unrelated to the work you are doing. You'll be surprised by how much focus you'll bring to your work tasks once you disengage your brain by doing something other than work.
You need to take a break!
Summary: Feeling Overwhelmed at Work
Feeling overwhelmed from time to time is normal and natural. This 'feeling overwhelmed' feeling is hard to avoid in the world we live in, but there are ways to handle this feeling once it arises.
If you feel overwhelmed, or the next time you start to feel overwhelmed, remember that working harder to plow through your to-do list is not the ideal way to control your workload. Because sometimes, that will make you feel even more burned out and less effective. A better approach is to:
Understand where your overwhelm is coming from and tackle the root cause.
Strategize and plan on how to efficiently get work done
Decide which season of life you are in. Is it the season to focus on professional or personal life? It's okay not to be on top of everything.
Examine your assumptions of what it takes to succeed. Are you unnecessarily putting pressure on yourself?
Take a break. You are human, not a superhuman.
Not all of these may be right for you, so pick the one you think will help and try it out. You will see the difference for sure!
P.S. Do you feel hopelessly overwhelmed at work or in life? Do you need some help figuring out how to manage your work stressors better? Sometimes, you need a little help figuring out how to implement the best tips in your life.
My one-on-one coaching program can help you create an actionable plan to restore a sense of calm and live a happier life with ease and relaxation.
I am currently taking a selected number of new clients, so check out my 90-day program: Roadmap to Your Happiest Work & Life
Or drop me an email at: nukhba@projecthappyworklife.com, and we'll schedule a call to see if the program is a good fit for you.
Hey there, I am Nukhba, a Life Transformation Coach and Mindset Mentor.
I coach women in high-demand careers how to tackle and better manage their work stressors and self-doubts so they can confidently start to enjoy work and restore a sense of calm in their lives.
I know too well that if your work-life is not a happy place, it becomes challenging to be content outside of work also, and chances are you start to hate your life.
I believe we all have the power to live life with more ease and joy.
This blog serves as a space for all things balance, personal empowerment, upgrading habits & beliefs, happier lifestyle and more.