3 Techniques to Turn-Off Stress & Stop Thinking About Work After Work
3 Techniques to Turn-Off Stress &
Stop Thinking About Work After Work
By Nukhba Khan
Do you feel mentally exhausted because of work?
Feel drained and fatigued all the time?
Do you desperately need a break where you can quieten your mind and not think about your long to-dos?
If you feel this way, you are not alone.
We live in an always-on world, and the struggle to switch off after work hours is real.
Our phones are always within reach and always switched on. We get tempted to pick up our phones and engage even when we desperately need a breather from the constant noise and chatter. After all, we are only human.
It’s actually a double-edged sword, where on the one hand, technology does allow people to choose when and where they work. Still, on the other hand, it can also be enslaving!
The Impact of Not disconnecting from Work After Office Hours
If you are thinking about work at home or bringing work home, 2 things can happen.
You will probably start resenting work because you can’t have a normal personal life after work. And this resentment will cause you to begin to feel deep work-related anxiety.
The other thing that happens is that work can get stressful. If you are bringing work home or even thinking about work after office, you bring that dark cloud of work-stress home.
I get it that when you are stressed, your mind thinks more and more about the thing that made you stressed in the first place.
But let’s suppose you make no effort to leave work stress at work or divert your mind doing other things when you are at home. In that case, you and your body will experience severe emotional symptoms such as high-stress levels, anxiety, depression, and sometimes even panic attacks.
Overworking can cause general fatigue and burnout. If this type of fatigue is left unchecked, it can develop into severe exhaustion, impacting your immune system.
Plus, if you find it hard to switch off after work, you might be struggling to keep up with any physical wellness routines. And that, my friend, can have a severe impact on your immediate and long-term health and quality of life.
Poor physical health can lead to an increased risk of developing mental health problems. Similarly, poor mental health can negatively impact physical health, leading to an increased risk of some conditions.
- Mental Health Foundation, https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/
When work is always on your mind, you end up talking about your job a lot. You probably don’t even realize it! ---- and you don’t want to be that person that is always talking about their work struggles.
And that’s just not it. If you constantly think about your work at home, it is impossible to spend quality time with your family, kids, friends, and all the people you care about. And that is just not fair on them or you.
So do you see how ‘not’ switching off after work can significantly impact your relationships?
Till when are you going to keep sacrificing your time with loved ones?
I Get The Impact ... But Why Can’t I Turn Off My Work Brain?
Sometimes the workload is just insane! To get ahead, you might be working in the evenings or thinking about how to tackle your crazy day tomorrow.
But you got to realize that working after hours is not sustainable. And if you haven’t already, you might start resenting and hating your job because of the work overload.
You are justifying it in your head that you are doing work in the evenings to make it a little easier and a little more organized for the next day.
But in the long run, you are not doing yourself any favors.
If you really want to do yourself some good, start pushing back and telling your manager that the expectations are not realistic. Let your boss know that you are doing it for now, but it is not sustainable in the long run.
Another likely reason why you can’t turn off work:
You continue working, after work hours, as if it were a badge of honor.
You think that not disconnecting from work shows how hard-working you are.
And you think sending emails and working in the evenings displays your commitment and dedication.
But here is something to think about.
You think that working evenings make you look like a committed and hard worker, but is it possible that you might look like an inefficient worker because of that?
These are just a couple of reasons and justifications you might be creating in your mind on why you need to stay connected with work even after work hours are done.
But before moving to the next section, I want you to pause for just a moment. And think about YOUR reasons, excuses, and justifications for not switching off after work.
Disconnecting from Work vs. Being Always-On
Now you know the impact of not disconnecting from work after office hours.
And you also know the reasons why you keep working and checking or sending emails in the evenings.
It’s time for you to make a decision:
Ask yourself do your excuses outweigh the impact or does the impact outweigh your justification?
I hope you will decide that the impact is grave. And, staying always-on is negatively affecting your life, and it just cannot be ignored.
If you decide that yes, you need to learn to disconnect from work effectively, then below are some helpful tips to get started on looking after your personal time and quality of life.
How to Switch Off the Work Brain
1. Set Firm Work Email & Phone Rules During Non-Working Hours at Home
This is absolutely essential if you do nothing else - just please do this.
Set your work, email, and phone rules for your non-working hours.
Sometimes big projects are happening at work that requires extra work. And that is okay.
But you have to set limits for these kinds of things.
For example, maybe you have a launch coming up, and you know that you will need to work a little extra. In this instance, you may decide maybe for a month, I will need to work an extra hour from home.
But outside of that, I am not allowed to work extra in the evenings.
You have to decide your rules. And then you have to learn to stick to them come rain or shine.
And, if you willingly keep checking work emails after office hours, remember your work is not invading your personal time. You are inviting work into your personal time.
So, you have no right to complain that work has taken over your life. Right ?! ;)
2. Have an end-of-work habit
This is an exercise to shift your mental and emotional energy to feel more relaxed and at home.
For me, this is making a cup of herbal tea to send my brain the signal that it’s time to switch off my work brain and be present at home.
Another great end-of-work routine is to work out. Work-outs are an excellent way to reduce stress and elevate the mood.
3. Have a plan beforehand for your evenings
Having a plan for your evenings will help you avoid the situation where you are saying, “I have nothing better to do, so let me just do some office work!”
Some ideas to get you thinking ... plan to go to a yoga or fitness class, a hike or a run outside, craft with your kids, meet friends, cook a yummy dinner, learn new things … there are so many fun things to do. What do you fancy doing in the evenings after work?
It is also helpful to make plans with other people because that will hold you accountable. It will stop you from making excuses not to do what you planned for your evening.
Final Thoughts
Don’t get attached to work more than it wants to attach with you.
You’ve got to learn how to switch off after work despite how passionate you may be about your job - it’s essential to protect our health and wellbeing as much as possible.
Otherwise, you will crash and burn sooner or later.
So how will you unplug and unwind after work?
P.S: If you’re ready to create healthy work-boundaries because you want to breathe a little easy and enjoy life a little more, then be sure to grab this free resource:
5-steps to Become a Happier YOU at work.
- Cheering for you!
Hey there, I am Nukhba, a Life Transformation Coach and Mindset Mentor.
I coach women in high-demand careers how to tackle and better manage their work stressors and self-doubts so they can confidently start to enjoy work and restore a sense of calm in their lives.
I know too well that if your work-life is not a happy place, it becomes challenging to be content outside of work also, and chances are you start to hate your life.
I believe we all have the power to live life with more ease and joy.
This blog serves as a space for all things balance, personal empowerment, upgrading habits & beliefs, happier lifestyle and more.